Wednesday, March 31, 2010

and so...

Wahoo, so I totally surprised myself by getting this baby started last night... it has been on my never-ending to-do list forever. I think I've been putting if off because (a) i put off a lot of things but mostly (b) because I look at so many beautiful blogs that have been going for ages with so many beautiful things and so many followers and I wonder how mine could ever get there. BUT everything has a beginning. Everything.

And besides, this is merely for me as a creative output. Although it would be great to get some followers and encouragement, it is early days and i think those are the wrong reasons to be blogging! A bit deep for a second post... hehe oh well.

These are from a wee while back - a cute cafe, Offbeat Originals tucked away one of the many vintage alleyways of Wellington. LOVING the tupperware display.

Monday, March 29, 2010



Hello. My first post. I'm not sure where this came from, but I am in love.