Friday, April 30, 2010

100 Girls on Cheap Paper

Tina Berning, '100 Girls on Cheap Paper' project = Amazing!
She draws so beautifully. Look here.

.... and there are 100 of them!
Well it's been crazy. JM was beyond words and it was so lovely to catch up with friends... aaaand our film for film festival got into the finals, woo hoo!
How has your week been?
Happy weekend x

Monday, April 26, 2010

Some of you may have seen this little series by Emily Wren a million times already, but I can't help it - I have to post them. Aren't they breathtakingly beautiful? I don't think I could ever grow tired of looking at them; the light, the shadows, the baby blues, whimsy long hair and the blooming cherry blossoms... you can check out her wonderful works here.

I will be away from posting for a day or two as I am going to the heats of our film today (fingers crossed for a place in the finals) and then tomorrow some friends and I are off to a John Mayer concert, oh! we have 2nd row seats, yay!
Thank you all you 'commenters' for your beautiful words, they are very encouraging and you have made my day. x

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I made this wee book for my sister Loulou as a christmas present last year...
I love books, and making my own brings me so much joy. So i've been thinking about maybe starting up a little shop making custom-made books! This one took ages, but only because i collected special pictures over time and spent alot of money on colour copying and glueing.
Or I would also love to do little quarterly zines for people, using my favourite pictures and perhaps even other peoples works (with their permission of course), which could be a cool way of promoting their talent...
hmmm. Am I dreaming?

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Yaaay. I am now the lucky owner of a darling little telephone just like this one!
I found it dirty and disregarded in the garage of the house I am looking after at the moment. The owner straight away said take it, she thinks it's just an old piece of junk... Isn't it amazing how one mans absolute trash is another mans absolute tresure? I often think of all the amazing old things that no one knows about that must be stored in old peoples' garages, and then thrown away once they are gone.

Don't you just love amazing little coincidental finds like this?

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Frolicing in a paddock not far from home.
It tastes like autumn is near, her long red coat is ready to wear...

love you my favourite jesebear! (that wasn't ment to rhyme, but it does)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bad me!

we have moved house hence the long-standing silence...
Horay, a new room freshly painted. Decorating has been fun! My sister and I also travelled down south 7hrs to the deepest darkest depths of the country to stay in our old farmhouse for awhile - it's in the middle of nowhere, so the time spent was very quiet and relaxing. Also made some excellent buys at 2nd-hand shops along the way, will post soon. This weekend was filled helping with the 48hr film festival... It's a NZ competition where registered film groups around the country are given 48 hours to complete a short film including a random theme, character, line and prop... it was mental and we were up all night. But I loved it! Our team made a 1920's Humphrey Bogart looking movie in an old house that I am sitting at the moment. i can't wait until we are allowed to view our film in the heats... woo woo

Monday, April 5, 2010

Dreamy Pink


Need i say more? Happy Easter
